10 Ways to Go Green

One of the philosophies at J&G Urethanes/Superior Spray Systems is about going green or promoting going green. One of the ways we promote going green is by encouraging our customers to use our CCMC Approved Polarfoam PF 7300 Soya Spray Foam Insulation. Our PF7300 Soya Spray Foam is one of the top choices for Residential and Commercial applications for many reasons one being that this foam is made completely from recycled bottles, vegetable oil and Soya.

To find out more information on PF 7300 Soya Please visit our information page on our Spray Foam.

And now for our 10 top recommendations for you to start Going Green!

1. Don’t heat an empty house! During the winter, turn down your thermostat to 20 Celsius when you’re home and 12 Celsius at night and while you’re away.

2. Your computer may go to sleep, but it’s still sucking up energy. Turn your computer off at the end of the day. In addition, take steps to create an eco-friendly workplace.

3. Clean your refrigerator coils — vacuum out the dust and wipe with a damp cloth. You’ll be surprised at how much nasty stuff accumulates down there!

4. Look into carpooling.

5. Take your own mug to the coffee shop — some shops will even give you a discount for bringing your own cup.

6. Add your fireplace ashes to your compost pile.

7. Cancel your newspaper subscription and read the news online instead

8. Buy rechargeable batteries. Learn to dispose of old batteries properly.

9. Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins at dinner.

10. Use PF 7300 Soya Spray Foam Insulation in your home or commercial setting to not only have a great insulation that helps lower utility bills, but to feel good knowing your not harming the environment!


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